Friday, April 15, 2005


We can go to one of two parks here in FL for free and I can't decide. ehehheh. We want to go this weekend. I just don't know what we will do or where will end up. We can go to Sea World or Bush Gardens. I'm leaning more towards Bush because I've never been there, but I love Sea World in SD. I bet we would like FL Sea World just as much. Anyways, I have to decide and take the dog to the kennel. We found out they have a free Kennel at Bush Gardens, but Rich refuses to take Duke in the car on a long 3 1/2 hour trip. Seee if we had only gotten the SUV we would have had more room for him. ehhehe. We live so close to the kennel, it's no problem to take him and drop him off. I better hurry up and decide. I know there is a huge Mall in Tampa, maybe we should go there. ehhehe. I always have shopping on the mind. LOL okay. HELP?

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