Monday, June 11, 2007

Good News

My PG test result
Okay, not everyone knows yet, but for the most part my important peeps know, but I do still have few more calls to make. I'm so overwhelm with all the emotion of O MY GOD we are having a BABY< YUP i'm P.G. folks. AWWWW! wow. So if you reading your screan now and your my good friends all over the world. Washington, Japan, Hell, I have friends all over and you know who you are. I'm off to work now. YEs people I'm having a baby.


me said...

You know I am so excited for you guys. So, so, so, so, SO freaking excited.

virgi said...

i know , one again you were there for me and you were the first to know. how cool is that.

me said...

Totally cool, and such an honor. =)

Dee said...

Congratulations!!!! and how cool that you and one of your best friends are pregnant at the same time!!! =)

Dee said...

oh, by the way, I'm Ingrid's cousin Diane... =)