Friday, April 07, 2006


Okay so I got up early this morning and had a little bit of nervousness since my interview was to take place at 11am. This was the first time I had an interview with 2 other girls in the room. I think it went well and I should know by middle of next week if I got the job or not. I could make lots of MULA and even up to 20 bucks an hour. I'm excited about working there and I havn't even got hte job yet. Okay so I know your all wondering how my body wrap went, I LOST LOST LOST. o my god I lost 19 inches all over and 3in just at my waist. I can fit into some of my size 0 capri and shorts that I couldn't put on yesterday. I will try to keep up with a good diet and maybe have a few massages and do lots of walking. I must say the experience was rather strange and made me feel like a mummy, but it was relaxing and the results are instant. I will do it again one day. I also lost 1 inch at my tummy area. The black slack I had on when I left it was so loose in the waist I really couldn't believe it and kept tuggy at the slack like you see in the adds for weight lost, I lost this much ! hehehe. I should have took a before and after picture. I can't shower for 4 hours and I will take a bath with some new soap I got from sephora today.

1 comment:

me said...

Oh wow... I always wondered if that was a scam. Cool! I may have to make an appointment somewhere to have that done. ;)