Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Talk to my mom
I was just relaxing on the couch when the phone rang and it was my aunty Max calling from my moms room at the hospital. I talk to her but only for a second. She is just now getting a little better and has both arms wrapped up. Her back is okay and only bruized and I'm so happy about that. I'm sure my mom will recover well and have complete confidence in my aunt taking good care of her. I will not travel to SD, but hope that my mom has a speedy recovery and maybe she will travel to FL soon. I was hoping to get her out here this month of March and maybe that might not happen as but maybe this summer. O well, just happy she is okay and glad I was able to talk to her even if it was for a short period.
1/2 day
I finally went back to work today and stayed 1/2 day. I was fine for the first 2 hours and then my vertigo set in and I realized how this might be a long process for me and so I'm having to fill out FLMA so that I have the option for more time off here and there as I need it. I'm stuggling to be normal again and I just need to take it slow and not push my self to much. I have and ENT appointment this Thursday and also physical therapy and I hope it all goes well and maybe the PT will help me get better.
I'm working on painting our spare bedroom and have one wall done already. Mianna has been a big help with the painting and it's fun to see the room transform. I'll post pictures as soon as we get it all done. It will be a very serene guest bedroom in shades of lilac and deep purples.
I'm working on painting our spare bedroom and have one wall done already. Mianna has been a big help with the painting and it's fun to see the room transform. I'll post pictures as soon as we get it all done. It will be a very serene guest bedroom in shades of lilac and deep purples.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Neurology and Physical therapy
I went to my neurology appointment and it all went well. I also had a physical therapy appointment and will continue that for about a month. I learned a lot of exercises to do at home and at work. I have a note saying I can go back to work for 1/2 day for the next two days and that will give me time to feel out how my vertigo treats me at work, if that makes any sence. I feel good about going back and trying to take is slow. I do feel better, but still need time to heal. My physical therapist made a make ship towel brace for my neck and it really helps to get me use to the positions that make my vertigo apear the most and help with keeping my head steady, yet I have to take it off from time to time so that I don't get a stiff neck. I'm ready to return to work and at least try. I'm still have to have another MRI and MRA.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Tuna with honey mustard sauce and Mango salsa
Friday night dinner is one of our classic dishes that I discovered while watching Bobby Flay on FoodTV one year. I also discovered Mango salsa and it's a tasty and easy recipe.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Unique furniture
Rich wanted to go look at furniture today, and there was only I piece I sat in with Mianna and it looks like the link above. Very unique and stylish furniture. I thought I could walk around good today, but after the 3 store I was so out of it and walking so slow with almost no energy at all. I feel off balance without the vertigo feeling, but no feeling in my legs and my arms actually feel week also. I'm so ready to give up on this mess and just be me again. It's like one moment I'm find and the next, I can't function.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Balloon stye back in.
Okay so I've noticed that balloon style shirt, short and skirts are back in style. I remember wearing this style back in high school. I had a black balloon skirt that was my favorite, how funny. You have to be really skinny to wear the style otherwise you look fat. I couldn't war it now, but its funny to see it back in style. I wonde if Mianna will want a balloon skirt this sping/summer. They call it bubble skirt on her site, but I've always called it a balloon skirt. The BCBGirl line has some really cute and affordable pieces.
My favortie line
Yes I'm such a BCBG nut and I just love this dress for spring 2006. The link will take your to the entire line, but I love the white dress with beading around the neck. I have to blogg this so I remember to go back and look at the line. I also love the Dusty Surf Silk Habotai dress... Ugh it's so pretty. Look at the sirf printed crinkled silk habotai dress with lace detail. mmmmm sexy. I can only buy stuff when its on sale at the outlets in St. Augustine. I need to win the Lotto.ehehhee , I say that but I never play, so Rich needs to win the Lotto for US.hehehe.
Okay I have to metion the toffee combo printed silk shiffon dress is to die for!
the Avocado/smokey brown combo ombre silk chiffon gown with beaded detail, reminds me of he dress the whats his name (Santino) made on Project Runway. I love that show!
Okay I had to add one last thing to my list, hehehe. the chocolate satin strapless gown with beaded detail (NWS63509) I'm a sucker for fancy dresses. just looking at them makes me smile. I have a closet full of fancy dresses and I do have my one and only BCBG that I wore last year to the Xmas party. It's a rare piece.
Okay I have to metion the toffee combo printed silk shiffon dress is to die for!
the Avocado/smokey brown combo ombre silk chiffon gown with beaded detail, reminds me of he dress the whats his name (Santino) made on Project Runway. I love that show!
Okay I had to add one last thing to my list, hehehe. the chocolate satin strapless gown with beaded detail (NWS63509) I'm a sucker for fancy dresses. just looking at them makes me smile. I have a closet full of fancy dresses and I do have my one and only BCBG that I wore last year to the Xmas party. It's a rare piece.
High Hills
The worst part about having vertigo, is not being able to wear most of my shoes. I am such a high hill nut, that most of my shoes are just sitting there, screaming wear me! Wear me! I feel so much better today...Ugh finally there is some hope. I will walk to the mail box now. I just wish I could get out the house and go to the movies or just drive or just do anything. Go shopping, yeah, that's it. I miss shopping. I'm having shopping withdraw real bad! LOL see, I'm still me.
My mom in the hospital
My mom took a good fall a few days ago when her knees gave out on her and she broke and fractured both arms and hurt her back. She is still in ICU. I have yet to talk to her, but my family is keeping me informed and here are a few pictures that my aunt sent in email this morning.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Suicide and Fall
I woke up to a phone call from San Diego. My aunt had called to inform me that my mother had a bad fall when her knees gave out. She should be walking with a cane and for what ever reason she was not walking with her cane and fell. She is in ICU at some big hospital in Hillcrest and I'm worried about her. She fractured her elbow and messed up her back and they are trying to run test and have her on morphine for the pain. I just want to go back to sleep and wake up from this hell of a dream right now. I had to go to the DR this morning for my physical therapy and got more info and help. My youngest aunt, my moms sister is also having problems of her own, and I had to call her and yell at her to wake up and take care of herself, she attempted to commit suicide by overdose of pills. O lord help my family right now. I did go to work to talk to my boss and they all miss me and are waiting till I return. I heard this saying today, When it rains it pours and right now it is literally raining outside, but I just feel like it's pouring on my family and the health we are all in now. I hope my mom gets better and wish I can talk to her soon. My aunt will have to shake her self silly and get some major help. Pray for us all please. I'm still here with the vertigo an all. The last thing I need is stress. I wish I could be on the west coast to help my mom and aunt.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Pretty Girls
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Test I will have soon
My next few weeks or months will concist of test like this...
Electronystagmography, which attaches small wires to your face that measure eye movements. It looks for the special eye movements that happen when the inner ear is stimulated. The pattern of eye movements can point to the location of the cause of the vertigo, such as the inner ear or the central nervous system.
I will have more of these done on my brain stem area, already had the brain done and it was good
Imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance image of the head (MRI) or computed tomography of the head (CT scan). These tests may be done if symptoms could be caused by a brain problem.
I had a hearing test today and just had problems with high pitch, but noting too bad
Hearing testing to detect hearing loss. A special hearing test can determine whether the nerve from the inner ear to the brain is working correctly. Hearing loss with vertigo usually indicates a problem other than BPPV, such as Ménière's disease or labyrinthitis.
Electronystagmography, which attaches small wires to your face that measure eye movements. It looks for the special eye movements that happen when the inner ear is stimulated. The pattern of eye movements can point to the location of the cause of the vertigo, such as the inner ear or the central nervous system.
I will have more of these done on my brain stem area, already had the brain done and it was good
Imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance image of the head (MRI) or computed tomography of the head (CT scan). These tests may be done if symptoms could be caused by a brain problem.
I had a hearing test today and just had problems with high pitch, but noting too bad
Hearing testing to detect hearing loss. A special hearing test can determine whether the nerve from the inner ear to the brain is working correctly. Hearing loss with vertigo usually indicates a problem other than BPPV, such as Ménière's disease or labyrinthitis.
Summary of my BPPV
I thought I would try with all my might to do one thing that makes me happy... Sit at my Mac and type a little summary on my blogg. I must say I run a fine line between keeping an online summary for myself and wanting to keep my readers updated on my everyday LIFE!
O, my goodness, just to get all off subject I have to tell you that my birds are whistling to Ludacris song, Georgia...it's too funny, she was bumping to the beat real good. O my goodness she is really doing this, now she is doing it to this Pharell song and I'm just busting up at them as they play in the cage and make little noises with the beats, too funny. This is I; I just speak my mind and have to get all off the subject at the drop of a hat. I think it would be much better for me to update my blogg by voice, since I'm trying to type with vertigo, LOL.
I have to try and keep things as normal as I can and this is one thing that makes me so happy. I love to type and sit at my computer, hell I work with a computer all day, and it might not be in the way I would prefer to and on a system that most people don’t even use anymore. Yeah, my job is so behind the times as far as technology is concern but O well. I miss my coworkers. I have not made it through an entire workweek in over a month now and it doesn’t look like I’ll be going back anytime soon. I am trying my hardest to get well and it looks like it’s going to be a long and slow process.
Rich woke me up this morning and had all kinds of news for me. He is the BEST and I will tell y’all with all my heart, that he Listens to me and is such a take charge and caring person. I truly have my soul mate. Anyways, he woke me up this morning and said, babe I have an ENT appointment set up for you and it’s at 10:30 today. Big smile from me but a little wine in my voice, because I was up until 1:30 this morning and I’m just not a morning person and probably would have slept the day away. Ehhehe. My baby knows me to well and I’m so happy he got me in to ENT today. You all know I was hospitalized for 2 days and had a CT and MRI test done and that all came back good, but with the hearing test I had today at ENT, they found that I had high tone hearing lost in both ears and my DR had suggested more MRI and MRA test for my neck area. When I was in the hospital they were only focused on my brain and that was all good. We have to rule out nerve diseases and then we can move on from there. I’m a little excited about gong to the specialist in town, because they will run some really fun and in depth test on my motion. I’m only looking at this entire process as fun so I can make it past all of it with flying colors and FIX ME already. Dam it!!! No more drugs for me. I have been drug free for 4 days, but did take IB this morning for my cramps that are kicking my butt. I have to try and take Valium alone to see if it helps my vertigo and then let the DR know what it does for me. I have to try and go back to work, but Rich says he will take leave to be home with me and I'm not going back to work. =o( for now. sad face from me. I don't want to have to use saving to live, if we run out of money to pay bills. REAL LIFE. that is what I'm worried about.
Balance is determined by a complex combination
of inputs into the brain. These inputs are:
Proprioception (sensation of position of joints)
Inner ear
Too be continued.....
O, my goodness, just to get all off subject I have to tell you that my birds are whistling to Ludacris song, Georgia...it's too funny, she was bumping to the beat real good. O my goodness she is really doing this, now she is doing it to this Pharell song and I'm just busting up at them as they play in the cage and make little noises with the beats, too funny. This is I; I just speak my mind and have to get all off the subject at the drop of a hat. I think it would be much better for me to update my blogg by voice, since I'm trying to type with vertigo, LOL.
I have to try and keep things as normal as I can and this is one thing that makes me so happy. I love to type and sit at my computer, hell I work with a computer all day, and it might not be in the way I would prefer to and on a system that most people don’t even use anymore. Yeah, my job is so behind the times as far as technology is concern but O well. I miss my coworkers. I have not made it through an entire workweek in over a month now and it doesn’t look like I’ll be going back anytime soon. I am trying my hardest to get well and it looks like it’s going to be a long and slow process.
Rich woke me up this morning and had all kinds of news for me. He is the BEST and I will tell y’all with all my heart, that he Listens to me and is such a take charge and caring person. I truly have my soul mate. Anyways, he woke me up this morning and said, babe I have an ENT appointment set up for you and it’s at 10:30 today. Big smile from me but a little wine in my voice, because I was up until 1:30 this morning and I’m just not a morning person and probably would have slept the day away. Ehhehe. My baby knows me to well and I’m so happy he got me in to ENT today. You all know I was hospitalized for 2 days and had a CT and MRI test done and that all came back good, but with the hearing test I had today at ENT, they found that I had high tone hearing lost in both ears and my DR had suggested more MRI and MRA test for my neck area. When I was in the hospital they were only focused on my brain and that was all good. We have to rule out nerve diseases and then we can move on from there. I’m a little excited about gong to the specialist in town, because they will run some really fun and in depth test on my motion. I’m only looking at this entire process as fun so I can make it past all of it with flying colors and FIX ME already. Dam it!!! No more drugs for me. I have been drug free for 4 days, but did take IB this morning for my cramps that are kicking my butt. I have to try and take Valium alone to see if it helps my vertigo and then let the DR know what it does for me. I have to try and go back to work, but Rich says he will take leave to be home with me and I'm not going back to work. =o( for now. sad face from me. I don't want to have to use saving to live, if we run out of money to pay bills. REAL LIFE. that is what I'm worried about.
Balance is determined by a complex combination
of inputs into the brain. These inputs are:
Proprioception (sensation of position of joints)
Inner ear
Too be continued.....
Monday, February 20, 2006
Cleaning house
I have been so fed up with this dirty house and so I have my family working like crazy to clean house. From the day I came home from the hospital with my cane in hand and all, I was cleaning house. I feel much better, but I'm still rocking my boat and having tension headaches on a constant basis with my eyes jumping like crazy from having to try and focus so hard. I have an ENT appointment on the 2nd of March and if I can hold out I will wait until then to have my hearing test and just try to schedule a sight test for the same day. I have no need or want to go to physical therapy since I have been walking better without the meds and I'm typing better too. I have pain and fullness in my right ear, but not so much that I need meds for it. I have taken my self off of all meds the DR gave me and I feel much better just dealing with the vertigo on my own without the meds. I have to take a break and just relax once in awhile and if it gets real bad and my stomach hurts, I sit down or lay down. Rich just power washed the outside of the house and now he is going to wash my car. I was thinking about test drving the H3 and trade my car in for it if I like it that much. ehhehe. I keep giving Rich a hard time about trading in his truck to get the H3, but he hates Hummers. We do love the TL too much but I'll still check out the H3. LOL. let me get off this computer and try to clean up my bedroom. I just feel much better when my house is clean and can't stand the clutter for one second.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Feeling good at the moment
At the moment I'm feeling good. I just got a sudden urge to update my blogg,since I have more hand and eye coordination at the moment. I'm typing a little slow on my laptop that is sitting on my vanity stool up against the tub while I sit in luke warm water watching Gray's anatomy. I must admit that this feeling of being my self is sooooooooooooooo good. I had one spell of vertigo today, but I fought it like a champ and took no meds. I'm sick of meds and will not take it unless I absolutely need it. I did come home from the hospital and wanted to clean my house like a mad woman.
I'm out the tub now and had to stop typing from the tub for many reasons. First, I'm using some expensive laptop around water, ($1700.00) reason #2 Could damage Gray's Anatomy DVD $(19 bucks) reason #3 Virgi getting electrocuted, (priceless). Most of you who know me, can relate to my accident prone ass! I'm feeling much better just sitting her on the love seat in our formal living room just taking in the scent from a mango, papaya candle that Stacy from work, just brought by a few minutes ago. My friends at work have showed much concern for me and Stacy is one of my good coworkers that I get along with well. I'm almost completely off of the pills they gave me but I have been taking Ambien to help me sleep. I only take 1/2 a pill and so far, have only had it twice at home. Meclazine doesn't make me drowsy anymore and only makes me sick,so I have been fighting the vertigo and not taking a DAM thing. I'm stronger than this and I'm going to get past it. If there is one thing I know, it's that I'm a stronger little Guamanian lady with a temper and stamina of a Tiger! ehhehe. I miss the stability in my legs and feel it's gone from walking around like a darn old lady with no balance because of the vertigo. I have 8 days off from work and I will take as long as I need to get better. I will do as I please and remain strong. I miss being on the Net so bad, I was having withdrawals at the hospital.
Rich has been taking care of me like a queen like he always does and he is watching the las 8 laps of Daytona 500 and I wish we could be there in person. Next year we will be there. It's a very gloomy day with a bit of a chill. I'm off of here to watch the last 3 laps.
I'm out the tub now and had to stop typing from the tub for many reasons. First, I'm using some expensive laptop around water, ($1700.00) reason #2 Could damage Gray's Anatomy DVD $(19 bucks) reason #3 Virgi getting electrocuted, (priceless). Most of you who know me, can relate to my accident prone ass! I'm feeling much better just sitting her on the love seat in our formal living room just taking in the scent from a mango, papaya candle that Stacy from work, just brought by a few minutes ago. My friends at work have showed much concern for me and Stacy is one of my good coworkers that I get along with well. I'm almost completely off of the pills they gave me but I have been taking Ambien to help me sleep. I only take 1/2 a pill and so far, have only had it twice at home. Meclazine doesn't make me drowsy anymore and only makes me sick,so I have been fighting the vertigo and not taking a DAM thing. I'm stronger than this and I'm going to get past it. If there is one thing I know, it's that I'm a stronger little Guamanian lady with a temper and stamina of a Tiger! ehhehe. I miss the stability in my legs and feel it's gone from walking around like a darn old lady with no balance because of the vertigo. I have 8 days off from work and I will take as long as I need to get better. I will do as I please and remain strong. I miss being on the Net so bad, I was having withdrawals at the hospital.
Rich has been taking care of me like a queen like he always does and he is watching the las 8 laps of Daytona 500 and I wish we could be there in person. Next year we will be there. It's a very gloomy day with a bit of a chill. I'm off of here to watch the last 3 laps.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Home from Hospital
I have no time to explain the situation right now, but I'm home and recovering still! I had a CT and MRI. all came back good!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
walking problems
Last night I got off work at 6pm and couldn't walk at all. I was not dizzy, not sleepy, just had no feeling in both legs. I used my work chair to get around, since it has wheels and just stayed to chat with the 2nd shift gals, until Rich came to pick me up. I'm heading back to the hospital today at 2pm and check out what's going on or what they can do. I think it's a side effect from the pills I'm on. I'm walking today, but very unsteady. I look so funy walking around like Rock woman thrying with all my might to take each step. I have to get ready now, since it might take me longer to get myself together for the appointment.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
COLD -Freeze warning
Just read Ingrid blogg and we are so opposite with the weather here on east being COLD as hell. It's 31 out but it feels like 24 with the wind chill factor and will get down to 28 as time goes on. I'm up really late or should I say early. I can't sleep, think it's my meds. :o( sucks, I'll be so sleepy tomorrow. I plan to wear my fir coat, hat, gloves, and scarf. Click the title above to see our crazy weather.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
vertiginous individuals.
I 'm trying to read on the internet, vertigo and all and I came across this word to describe and idividual with vertigo.
vertiginous individuals..... is that me. yeah, that's me, I'm a vertiginous individuals.
vertiginous individuals..... is that me. yeah, that's me, I'm a vertiginous individuals.
Brandt-Daroff exercise for vertigo
I'm just so desperate to try it all. Some one even told me about chinese treatment using ginger. I'm on it. research this till I find some thing to help me. I'm so sick of my Vertigo
Just when I was going to write I feel better. REALAPSE. I'm not better guys. I feel the same. my vertigo kicked in full force this morning. I tryed to call Rich, his cell phone rang on the dressor... silly man forgot to take his phone. My Dr. is not answering his phone. I'm just stuck at home and not feeling good. I guess I could always call 911 if I get that bad. I'm going to lay on the couch now and just relax. it took all my might just to type this blogg.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
ENT appointment
Well guys, my ENT appointment went well. Finally someone who can understand me and relate to all the symptoms I've been experiencing. I must say, they found me clogged up in all orifices. I was so scared to have my ears cleaned out but after Rich held my hand and the Dr. did all he could to make me feel comfortable and keep my mind off of the procedure, I passed with flying colors and no PAIN at all. I had enough in there to make a candle and they were joking about it the entire time. Rich said he would make a little shadow box to house my collection. The Dr had suggested that I return to ENT 3 times a month to have my ears cleared out. I did wake up with redness around my right ear and heat. Dr, noticed that right away and asked if it's always like that, I told him no and only found it this morning. I'm in an early stage of infection and so he prescribed some antibiotics. The Dr said that my impacted ears were causing the vertigo and that I should have no more symptoms now that it's all cleared out. He did check me for positional vertigo and found none. I fell much better but just very irritable. I have been on edge for the past 3 weeks and it's probably due to all this mess. My nose cavity was also inflamed and so he sprayed some liquid in there to help open up my breathing path and suggested that I continue to use my flonase and when I return for my follow up he will recheck my nasal cavity and see if we should proceed with surgery (septoplasty) to open it up further. After talking with Dr. Clark, we discovered that he know our Uncle Dr.Castro. heehhe. They were really good buddies back in DC and after that discovery Dr. Clark really relaxed and began to talk more with us about the procedures and then proceed to check Rich out and talk with him about his procedures he as had in the past. It's such a small world in the Navy Medical field. Dr. Clark was also trained by the Dr. that did Ritchie’s procedure back in the day and she use to be #1 surgeon in the field. I feel so relieved to find out that my problem was more of simple one with simple solutions and I'm at ease now. I will take one more day off from work and on Friday I return to the hospital for my other appointment. This time I have girly issues to deal with. I was diagnosed with a low grade of abnormal cells on my cervix and since I haven’t been keeping this up to date in the area, I might get a little bit of spank on the hand for not taking care of things. I recently got an email from my friend in Japan who just had surgery to remove a cyst on her ovary that had ruptured and it was such a mess for her. I also have another buddy that is going through some ruff times with her endometriosis. We will all live through this. Today Rich told me I should go back to school now and become the next Dr. in the family. ehehhe. I have the will and the skill, but not the MULA. hehehe LOL, any donation would be nice...? Okay so I took my sedative and I'm waiting for it to kick in but nothing yet. LOL
Monday, February 06, 2006
Sedative and Antihistamine
I was prescribed Meclizine and Valium to help my vertigo. I was curios as to why they would prescribe Valium of all things, for vertigo. I got home to read about it on MSN Health and it is called an unlabled use. An unlabeled use of a drug is when a doctor prescribes a medication for a purpose other than that for which it has been specifically designed and approved. Sometimes a drug is prescribed for a specific unlabeled use so often that doctors consider it a common practice.
Anyways the Valium was locked up and the Dr that had the only key was gone for the day and so I only got more Meclizine and I just took my second pill. I'll see the ENT tomorrow and see what he tell me and also pick up my meds. I'm home from work for the next two days and some thing tells me I might be home even longer. this position is not good for me so I need to get off now and go to bed.
Anyways the Valium was locked up and the Dr that had the only key was gone for the day and so I only got more Meclizine and I just took my second pill. I'll see the ENT tomorrow and see what he tell me and also pick up my meds. I'm home from work for the next two days and some thing tells me I might be home even longer. this position is not good for me so I need to get off now and go to bed.
Sick of the ER
Once again, I got extremely dizzy with my vertigo and went into the ER today. I have an appointment with ENT tomorrow and I hope they can find out what is wrong and try to help me. I'm so SICK and fustrated, with being sick! I'll keep you all updated
Friday, February 03, 2006
Couch, Chase, Bed
I have been looking for some thing just like this to go in my formal living room. I love the way it can convert to all the different things. I'm so going to buy this!!!! LOL I have to call Rich now and tell him. He was going to leave me the Truck today, but I told him to leave me the car. I can go put it on hold and then we can pick it up tomorrow. I hope they have it in stock.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Feeling better
I'm felling much better and at least now I can drive with lots of caution and walk on my own but still with much caution. I have been working on my Resume and job hunting on Monster and a few other sites. I have an interview/test with a huge company this Saterday and I'm already nervouse. I just hope that I feel more like my self when it comes time to interview. My eye motion is a little wacky, but I can manage to focus. I wasn't expecting to go in for an interview so soon and so my Resume is not done and I have no clothes that will fit me, that are good enough for and interview. My old size 0 Express slacks will not fit my big dagan. It's so hard being 10lbs up from my normal weight. I'm growing to love my new size, but clothing is an issue. I will go shopping to try and find some slacks and a nice blouse for the interview. Wish me luck with this one. I will be making about 25-35000 a year with up to 5000 in bonus money and a raise every 6 months. NOT bad ha?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Vestibular Neuronitis
I went to see my regular DR today and she diagnosed Vestibular Neuronitis. I have had this once before but much worse and the effects of Vertigo went away in a matter of days. It has been 12 day for me now and they say this can take up to 2 weeks or longer. I'm suppose to continue with my meds and I can stay home for 2 more days and should return to work on Sunday. I feel much better when I'm not using my hand too much or looking at things in motion, like the letter I'm typing on the screen. At the moment my boat it rocking a little out of controle and my eyes are playing tricks on me hehehe.
My Dr did say that if the cold goes away but the dizzyness stays, then I have to go back in and run more test. This is when it gets scary beause your messing with nerves in the spine and brain stuff like that.
The ER Dr I saw on Sunday told me that I have Second degree nystagmus. This is present in the primary (neutral) position of gaze; second and third degree nystagmus are usually vestibular in origin. The nystagmus is there because of my vertigo and if you can olny picture how confused my brain is. My eyes see no motion yet my brain is being told I'm in motion.
In English... I should be all good to go!
My Dr did say that if the cold goes away but the dizzyness stays, then I have to go back in and run more test. This is when it gets scary beause your messing with nerves in the spine and brain stuff like that.
The ER Dr I saw on Sunday told me that I have Second degree nystagmus. This is present in the primary (neutral) position of gaze; second and third degree nystagmus are usually vestibular in origin. The nystagmus is there because of my vertigo and if you can olny picture how confused my brain is. My eyes see no motion yet my brain is being told I'm in motion.
In English... I should be all good to go!
Behind the Wheel
Okay so Rich took me out to the base today and I decided that I felt comfortable enough to get behind the wheel and drive. I feel like I'm taking baby steps to get back to normal. I'm still slightly off in a sense and my focus is something I cant' take lightly. I have to make a conscious effort to focus on the motion around me and not the motion going on in me. If you can just imagine for a minute, that you are rocking, not too bad, but just enough to know that your moving front to back or left to right and now your in a moving vehicle with motion all around you and under you. FOCUS, FOCUS FOCUS. When I sit still and type I'm a little sea sick feeling. I would have went back to work today, but I just know the sound of voices in my ear and the focus I have to give to the computer screen that in it's self has a little motion , will just not work for me like this. Anyways, I'm off to my DRs appointment so cross your fingers for me.
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