Friday, August 13, 2004

Sitting on the Lanai

I'm just sitting out on the lanai watching the gardeners cut the grass. I treated the house for fleas since Duke got fleas so bad and he is at the groomers getting a flea bath to rid him of the fleas. I dam near almost passed out trying to fumigate the house on my own. I had to spray 1534 square feet of carpet and tile. I think I smell like the spray now. I also had to fumigate my car and now I need to vacuum the entire house and the car. Duke should be out by noon, so at 11am I will start my cleaning. I have to mop all the floors again, since they are covered with spray. UGH.... This really sucks, but we just can't have this flea problem anymore. I have the apartment sprayed every Tuesday, but I just couldn't wait till then, so I did it on my own. Ill probably still have them come spray this Tuesday. They mostly do the cabinets,windows and doors. They do the grounds outside the house, every Tuesday, so that is good. Rich called me on my cell as I was dropping Duke off and he said they are still securing the shops on base in preparation for the hurricane. The sky just keeps getting darker and darker. When this thing hits, it will completely black out here. I'm not looking forward to all the down tree's or the power outages, but I think we will be okay.

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