This is how we're living. Mianna took these pictures of Duke and Puss.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Monday, August 30, 2004
My work center
I took a picture of my work area and my desk at work. I better get to bed now, I have to get up at 5 and maybe I'll have time to take Rich to work and make it back in time to go to Pilates at 6am. I'm really starting to get the hang of this job and so far I like it.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Pimp My Ride
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Redford has passed
I just got off the phone with my girlfriend Erin in LA and she had informed me that her dog Redford had passed. He had a cough and when she took him in to get it check out, they spotted a few spots on his lungs. He then started to have trouble breathing and they said it might have been from his previous owner who was a smoker and that might have caused the second hand smoke that gave him the lung problems. Or it could have been a tumor that was in his body that just developed over time and caused this lung disease. This is very sad news for us, since we really loved Redford too. The picture above was the last time we were in LA visiting with Erin and Redford. He sure will be missed.
Speaking about dogs, I took duke to the vet today and they say is he is healthier than a normal 12-year-old lab. He is very active and energetic, so maybe that means we will have him around a few more years. Duke got treated for fleas and tapeworms today. We also had to treat the house again, and the entire apartment yards have been treated as well, so I hope this puts a stop to the cycle. Ugh...
I was able to go to yoga class today, but I never made it out to my cardio step class. I will have to try and get a class tomorrow for sure. We just had so much to do today and then Rich met me down at the vet and wanted me to stay home with him and asked that I not go to the gym. I think he is having withdrawals of me being gone at work so much. ehehhehe.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Puss and Duke
The animals are getting along well, but Duke is showing
signs of being jealous. He is so use to being the only
animal in the house. Spoiled dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Grandpa
Red Moth
I took a picture of this red moth that was outside our door when I came home from work the other night.
Florida has many differernt types of moths.
Tonight is my last night of work and I'll be off finally. I did 9 days straight with no break. UGH. I'm ready for it. I'll try to catch up on all my online stuff and housework with my time off. I'm excited to get my body back into tip top bikini shape, so I can try to get some day time modeling jobs, ehhehehehe. Hey you never know? ha?
Monday, August 23, 2004
Strawberry Mess
I'm in a rush to make a big strawberry smoothie when the bottom of my blender fell out on me and made a giant blob of strawberry gook. So I had to start over from scratch and finally I'm able to enjoy the cold mouth watering smoothie. Mmmmm.. I'm off to work guys, see you all later. Keep posting them bloggs.
This is Hayleighs cat Puss. She gets along well with Duke now. He some times drinks her milk or eats her food, but she drinks his water also.
Miss my blogg
I'm going to get dressed and run to the YMCA to take my first class of yoga. I'll let you all know how much fun it was. I'm so excited to check out our new Y, since it's 37000 s.f. CRAZY huge ha??????
I'm trying to balance work, house work, exercise, and just being MOM. O man O man O man. I've done this before and never had a problem, it just take that first month to get into set schedule and have the timing workout just right. Tonight Rich will pick Mianna up from Prymtime at school and he will have to do that 3 times a week.
Hayleigh is in North Carolina visiting with her family. She left on Saturday and went to Atlanta to meet up with her brother and then proceed with him and his kids to North Carolina. I hope she is having fun. I think she might return home today. She left her car here, so she is hitching a ride with her Aunt. I hope she took lots of Pictures and maybe I'll share some with you all.
O no!!!!!!!!!!!! was that me starting to sound all souther and country????? O goodness.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
It's Official
Today is Hayleighs 27th Birthday and we will take her out to eat at Outback Steak house. I have to go get ready for dinner. I'll be back with some pictures to share with you all.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Doctor River
On my way to work this morning I took a picture of Doctor Lake as I drove over the bridge. This is one busy lake on the weekend. It's always filled with wave runners and speedboats and all type of fun water sports. Maybe one day we will go out on the lake in a rented boat or maybe our own wave runner. I wish I had my camera when I drove pass the Lake on Monday morning and the sun was just raising over the lake and reflecting in the water. This place is really green and pretty.
Bad Spill
Troux is a typical busy body at age one and unfortunately nasty spills happen from time to time. A few days ago while in California, Trout fell and bumped his head. But today he fell in our kitchen on the tile and bumped it again in the same spot. This is a big ouch on his noggin. Despite that he is still a beautiful baby boy.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Baby sitting
Today I'm on my first baby-sitting duty with Troux =) I just can't get over how adorable he is. Troux has the cutest little curl at the back of his hair. I find myself able to understand 1-year-old jurbish again. LOL . Right now we are playing with his toy motorcycle and it just crashed. It's almost like I have the cute little baby boy I've always wanted. Troux is on the couch watching Sesame Street, O man remember them days?? I think Troux might fall asleep on the couch; he just started to play with his little curls in his hair. This is one super cute baby boy. Let me see if I can catch a picture of him before he moves from his position. Usually he just sits still and posses for the camera. What a ham.
Troux just fell asleep on the couch, how cute.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Hayleighs Arrival
I should give you an update on my first day at work. I took in so much information that my brain felt like it was going to fall off. I listened in on calls and then did a little typing at the end of the shift. I have to learn the eligibility and rank of the military and reserve and also civilians that work for the military. Plenty information for me to absorb and learn in one day. I hope I make it through this week.
Troux is such a ham and loves the camera. I can't get over how handsome he is. O man he is going to be a heartbreaker. The cat (pus) is getting along fine with Duke. He doesn't seem to mind her at all. We are just one big happy family. The last time I say Hayleigh she had to call 911 for me. Remember when I busted my head open and had to get stitches? Yup Hayleigh was there. Well guys, I have to get up early for work, so I should get in bed now.
Click on the title to see the pictures.=)
I've had these pictures for some time now but I just forgot to post them.
Thanks for sending the pics Myke.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Foo Wong Garden
On the way home we saw one of the God preaching men on the side of the street. From time to time on Sundays you will see them standing on an island in the middle of the street with a speaker in had just preaching away about the word of the god. I've never really hear what they are saying because we drive by so fast and I usually have my window up because of the AC. But that was the fun for our lazy Sunday. Oya we did do some Costco shopping to prepare for the arrival of our friend Hayleigh and her kids.
Tomorrow I start my new job and all day I have studied my acronyms for the Navy Lodges around the world. I'm real excited to get in there and see how this place runs and if I will like it or not. I'll keep you all posted on my progress. It's almost 11 and I'm not sleepy yet :o( maybe I'll read just a little more or do some cleaning till I get sleepy.
Okay so I cleaned for one hour and I'm just now posting this blog.
Hairstyle comment leads to Fatal Pompano Beach Stabbing
Pompano Beach is aobut 315 miles south of Jacksonville.
Keeping an eye out
Charley is gone now but we are keeping an eye on two tropical storms in the Atlatic. One is named Earl and the other is Hurricane Danielle. Earl is closer to Cuba now and I believe Danielle is west-southwest of the Cape Verde Islands.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
North Carolina
Aftermath of Charley
A parked car is surrounded by the ruins of a house north of Port Charlotte, Fla., early Saturday, Aug. 14, 2004, after Hurricane Charley moved through the area Friday
This storm did not hit us, but it sure made a mess in other places. It is still doing damage in South Carolina and will just continue up the east coast. There are so many deaths and people without homes and power. I'm just watching the news as I'm sure most of you will see the damage on CNN and your local news channels. I feel so sad for those who have lost everything and all the deaths. But this is the territory we live in and we are expected to have over 16 more storms or hurricanes this year.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Long Day
Adios, till manana (goodbye till tomorrow)
Hurricane Charley is now Category 1
With sustained winds at 90 mph, the threat for tornadoes remains mainly for areas east of the St. Johns river - in southern Clay, Putnam and St. Johns counties. These areas could see gusts up to 75 mph.
Hurricane Charley's new coordinates are 28.4 north, 81.4 west and is located 15 miles south southwest of Orlando -- moving north northeast at a speed of 25mph.
The threat of severe weather and strong winds is decreasing for Macclenny down to Starke and on to areas west. Southern Georgia is looking better and better and make escape Charley's wrath.
Hurricane Charley Weakens to Category 3 Hurricane
Charley is located approximately 65 miles south of Orlando with winds of 115 mph winds. Those winds extend out 25 miles from the center of the storm. Arcadia reported 104 mph winds.
We are still expecing Charley to pass south of St. Augustine and move offshore into the Atlantic ocean during the early hours of Saturday morning.
Our local impact will be the possibility of overnight tornados and severe storms causing wind gusts over 75 mph. The winds won't be as strong west of the St. Johns river, this area can expect winds of approximately 40 mph.
Charley's current coordinates are 27.7 north, 81.8 west moving north northeast at 25 mph.
This is good news for us. We are 40 miles north of St. Augustine and about 15 miles from the St. Johns river, so maybe we will be okay. Lets just pray for no tornados!
2 hours to go
Well guys, it looks like we have about 2 more hours till we start to feel the effects of Charley, but it will really start to pick up around 11 and get more intense as the hours move on. Right now it's calm outside our apartment and hardly sprinkling. I took a few pictures to show you the sky. We have made plans to get into the walk-in closet in my bedroom. We have our radio, flashlights and ate already. We do have enough water for a week. That eerie feeling is still lingering in the air and it reminds me of when I was little on Guam and we were having typhoons. I have been through this type of weather too many times to mention. This will be the first for Rich and Mianna. I'm surprise the satellite TV is still working and the power hasn't flickered one bit. I doubt I'll have TV or internet in 2 hours =( We are watching the start of the Olympics on TV.
Charley has made land
The red star is where Hurricane Charley has made land, the eye wall came ashore near Captiva Island and Fort Myers around 4pm Friday afternoon.
The eye of Charley
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Hurricane Charley, now a powerful Category 4 storm, is expected to make landfall in west Florida's Charlotte Harbor before 4 p.m. ET, the National Weather Service reports.
Hurricane Charley's winds had increased to 145 mph (233 kph), with higher gusts.
The storm was headed toward the Fort Myers-Port Charlotte area, after jogging slightly to the right, said Ed Rappaport, deputy director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Originally, Charley was expected to make landfall at Tampa to the north.
At 2 p.m. ET, the storm was centered 60 miles (96 km) south-southwest of Fort Myers, moving to the north-northeast at 20 mph (32 kph), according to the National Hurricane Center.
"The track is a little bit to the right of where we had it before but still well within our hurricane warning area on the southwest coast (of Florida)," Rappaport told CNN.
While he was being interviewed, the hurricane evolved from Category 3 storm to Category 4.
A Category 4 has winds from 131 to 155 mph and is capable of doing extreme damage with heavy flooding.
"It's even stronger than we estimated only an hour or two ago," Rappaport said.
The eye of the storm was 10 miles wide.
The hurricane center predicted the center of the storm would make landfall later Friday afternoon near Charlotte Harbor, about 26 miles (41 km) northwest of Fort Myers.
Hurricanes are classified as categories 1 to 5 on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. A Category 4 storm has winds of between 131-155 mph (201-249 kph).
Emergency officials issued evacuation warnings from the Florida Keys up through southwest Florida into the heavily populated Tampa Bay area.
About 1.9 million people have been urged to evacuate, Florida state emergency management center spokeswoman Kristy Campbell told The Associated Press.
Governor urges haste
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush Friday said that residents who have not heeded the warnings need to act quickly.
"When gale force winds start hitting the area, which will happen soon ... law enforcement officials ... will be seeking refuge as well," Bush said.
"This is not a time to be getting on the interstate."
Bush told reporters he talked to his brother, President Bush, Friday and asked him for a presidential disaster declaration.
"I told him this is a devastating storm," Jeb Bush said.
The declaration will allow the application process to begin for Small Business Administration and other loans.
The Office of Emergency Management said 49 shelters were open statewide.
The airports in Tampa, Fort Myers, Sarasota, St. Petersburg and Key West were closed. Orlando's last flight departure was 5 p.m. Friday; service was expected to resume at 10 a.m. Saturday. Trains scheduled to leave New York for Miami were canceled.
Almost all of the 6,500 military members and residents stationed at Tampa's MacDill Air Force Base have been evacuated.
Aircraft have been moved to bases in Kansas, Nevada and Maine, a base spokesman said.
The Navy also began moving 12 ships from its Naval Station Mayport, near Jacksonville, into the Atlantic and out of the path of the storm, Navy officials said Friday.
Thursday night and early Friday, Charley roared through Cuba, ripping roofs, downing power lines and pulling up huge palm trees.
Havana had high winds and heavy rain, but there were no reports of casualties.
A hurricane warning for the island was lifted Friday morning.
Tornado yesterday
Here are some good pictures of some of the damange from that tornado yesterday . I was blogging as it was happening on Edgewood Avenue.
Hurricane Charley Upgrade To A Category 4 Storm
A hurricane warning is in effect for all of the First Coast as Hurricane Charley races northeast at 20 miles per hour.
Charley now has winds of 145 with gusts to 165 miles per hour, this makes Charley a very dangerous category 4 hurricane.
Due to the rapid intensification the forecast track has been altered. We now expect the eye to cross the peninsula and go into the Atlantic near St. Augustine.
We still expect winds to gust to over 75 miles per hour but the shift of the winds out of the northeast will add the threat of a 4-6 foot storm surge.
Hurricanes are Categorized from 1 to 5 according to what is known as the Saffir-Simpson Scale.
Category 1
Hurricane has a central barometric pressure of 28.94 inches or more and winds of 74 to 95 mph. The storm is accompanied by a 4 to 5 foot storm surge and causes minimal damage
Category 2
Pressure 28.5 inches to 28.93 inches, winds from 96 mph to 110 mph, storm surge 6 to 8 feet, damage moderate.
Category 3
Pressure 27.91 inches to 28.49 inches, winds from 111 mph to 130 mph, storm surge 9 to 12 feet, damage extensive.
Category 4
Pressure 27.17 inches to 27.90 inches, winds from 131 mph to 155 mph, storm surge 13 feet to 18 feet, damage extreme.
*Hurricane Georges, when it went through the Caribbean in 1998, and hurricanes Andrew and Hugo were all Category 4 storms..
Category 5
Pressure less than 27.17 inches, winds greater than 155 mph, storm surge higher than 18 feet. Damage Catastrophic.
*Hurricane Mitch reached Category 5 strength in 1999. Only two Category 5 storms - the 1935 Key West Labor Day Storm, and Camile in 1969 which devastated Louisiana and Mississippi - have made landfall in the United States.
Phone calls
Declares State of Emergency
Hurricane watch
A Hurricane watch is now in effect from Flagler Beach northward to the Savannah River near the Georgia, South Carolina border. This means hurricane conditions with winds over 74 mph are likely in this area within the next 36 hours.
Hurricane warnings are in effect for the Florida Keys and for the Florida west coast from East Cape Sable to the Seinhatchee River. A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect from Cocoa Beach, Florida to Altamaha Sound, Georgia. A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect from Ocean Reef northward to south of Cocoa Beach and north of Altamaha Sound, Georgia.
Hurricane Charley is expected to show some signs of its presence as the sun begins to set. Our weather conditions will go down hill especially late tonight and tomorrow morning as the eye of the storm moves overhead and to our north. You can expect sustained winds between 30 and 40 mph with gust up to 75 mph. Heavy rain on an already soaked ground in some spots could set the stage for flood problems. Keep checking with us as we'll keep you updated and let you know what you can expect in your area once there is a better handle on the storm.
Power Outage
Hayleigh called from LA and I told her to get a hotel and stay there, since this place will be a mess by the time she gets here. She told me she ran into some crazy weather in Texas. Ill try to keep you all posted with our situation.
Julia Child dies at 91
Funnel Cloud.
Sitting on the Lanai
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Toothless Duke
We just think it's so funny that Duke is toothless in front.
I have no idea when or how this happened. Toothless or
not, we love our baby boy Dukes
Hurricane Names for 2004
Bonnie (was only a tropical storm) 8-12-2004
Charley (will hit us by 8-13-2004)
Danielle(west-southwest of the Cape Verde Islands)8-15-2004
Earl (is out there near Cuba, following the same path as Charley 8-15-2004)
Richard (who do I know with that name??? LOL)
Virginie (looks like they misspelled my name ha? LOL)
Wal Mart
I think I have been to Wal Mart everyday this week and I'm about to go there now. Rich just called on the cell phone and he wants spaghetti for dinner, so I need to go get some noodles. We found out yesterday that our favorite store in Wal Mart is closing =( the candy store called Kid Connection.They will replace it with a Blimpies. We have a super Wal Mart and it has every thing you can think of inside of it. Lets see, it has a hair salon, nail salon, eye center, candy store (not for long) regular Wal Mart stuff and then the grocery side. It's HUGE.
I have to get more water too, since we will have Hurricane Charley hit us tomorrow with 75 miles per hour winds and a possible category 3. I will also pick up some candles and canned food, like spam :o) we will be without power tomorrow for sure. Right now the north side of us is without power =(. Okay guys I'm off to get Hurricane supplies... I bet Wal Mart will be crowed as usual.
Moving Fast
Fred Clark is on the TV by way of phone reporting the funnel passed him and he was in his car and it rattled and sounded like a freight train. He said he just sat in his car and prayed, but he made it home. This was around 4:10 and he saw a truck that was almost about to tip over, but it rocked back down and didn't hit him. He also saw a car drive by him on highway 1 with all her windows blown out.
We are in the clear
Tornado on Edgewood Avenue
This lady is on TV live on a phone call reporting the huge funnel in the sky. Tornado, but it has not been reported by the national weather yet, it's probably a tornado. Lots of trees are down and parts of a roof across the street from this ladies house.
O my got there is a HOUSE down on one road. The house was hit by the tornado.
800,000 urged to evacuate
Hurricane Charley bears down on state; 800,000 urged to evacuate
Tropical Storm Bonnie and Hurricane Charley
Well it's raining pretty hard now and the sky is very dark, our lanai and parking lot is already fluded and it's only been raining about 10 minutes. This is Tropical Storm Bonnie passing by us, but the bigger one is on it's way right behind this one and it's suppose to hit us tomorrow, that one is actually a hurricane called Charley. You can click on the tile to track the storm.
JACKSONVILLE, FL -- Tropical storm Bonnie is moving toward the northeast at 16 mph.
It appears the primary threat is for Northwest Florida. At this point, we will be looking at some passing thunderstorms with wind gusts to 50 miles per hour later today.
Charley continues to strengthen and could threaten Florida as a 100 mph hurricane by Friday. If the 48-hour forecast is close, we will see Charley come ashore near Tampa with 100 mile per hour sustained winds and the eye go by us with gusts of 75 miles per hour late Friday and early Saturday.
A hurricane warning is now in effect for the Florida Keys and a hurricane watch is now in effect as far north as Tarpon Springs. Emergency officials have ordered tourists to evacuate parts of the Keys.
Chief Meteorologist Tim Deegan
Payroll and Hurricane Charley
I got up this morning and took Mianna to school and then headed to the base to pick up my paperwork. I had to go the pesonale building on base and fill out about 45 minutes worth of paperwork for my payroll. I had my Polaroid taken and then it was laminated onto my timecard. It's all starting to feel real again. Wow, I'm actually working for the Navy again. I was also given my Navy Lodge Central Reservation Employee handbook and reference and this thing is thick. I have to read it front to back or back to front (like the Japanese) I like to read that way. I have to try and familiarize my self with acronyms for about 45 different locations. I'll become real familiar with the state abbreviations too. Plus knowing my Months by numbers, that's easy! ehhehe.
After all that check-in stuff I was able to look around the NEX to see if could find any nice tops for work, but no luck. Rich called me on my cell and we met for lunch. That was nice and I could get use to seeing him in the middle of the day like that.
On my stop to the post office aunty max called to see if we would be affected by the storm that's moving in and if I was preparing for it. I told her that we would be hit by hurricane Charlie by Friday. It's very overcast and gray outside, but very calm. I remember the time before typhoons on Guam, were real calm and pretty, but that is only an illusion you get, just before the storm really hits down. We have plans to watch a movie tomorrow night at the pool here, but we will have to see if it's canceled because of the weather and we are also invited to the Luau at the Y on Saturday, so that might also have some set backs if we do have a pretty bad hurricane. The thunder just stated and the sky is almost black now. I better watch the local news incase we have to evacuate to the high school. Oooops scratch that, I have to listen to the radio, no TV since we have satellite. I have to turn off the computer because we are now having lightning and might have a power surge. Our dog Duke is really freaking out now, so I better go baby him. O man it's raining bad now.............. I'll keep you all posted on our hurricane condition
Here's a pic of Aoife with her friend Maria jammin on thier guitars.
This was sent in from our friends in Japan. Hey Aoife we have the same
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Training on Monday
We are Charter Members of the Barco-Newton Family YMCA at Fleming Island. Our new Y will open its doors on Monday, but we will try and take a tour this Saturday. I'm so excited about being a member because this will mean that we can have our own personal wellness coach. I can get back into Yoga, Spinning and start Pilates. O man this is going to be so much fun. I’ll have a busy day schedule along with my new job at night. I wonder if I’ll have time to fit in a few classes at school. Mianna is now apart of Pryme Time and will stay after school till 6 everyday. This way she will have help with her homework and be able to have some social time with her after school friends. I still have to tell Rich all the good news when he gets home. I think he will like using the facilities at the Y. This place is huge at 37,000 square-foot. It has so many amenities. Mianna has already decided to take Karate. FUN FUN FUN!!!!! We also got a gym bag, t-shirt-shoulder bag, CD case and a coupon book. hehehhe.
Adea went camping
I'm Employed
In Suspense
Cleaning Rampage
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Young me
I have no idea how old I was in this picture or who that girl is with me, but I do remember my chic jeans that I never wanted to stop wearing.
New Years 2000
As you can tell I've been posting a bunch of old pictures. I just came across a bunch of memories. This picture was taken back in Las Vegas where we spent New Years with Ingrid and Myke back when they were not married yet. :o) Wow.... It was one night full of stories to tell for years.... ha Ingrid????. LOL
The Dragon
This picture was taken back in 1999 when Legoland was brand new to California. Look at the terror on Miannas face.
My Interview
I dyed my hair last night because my highlights were growing
out and looking so old. My hair is a medium copper brown.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Uncle Pauls Wedding
Ingrid was the photographer at Richies uncle Pauls wedding. I think she took some great pictures. I know she ate some good red rice and finadeni (ehheheeh). Hey check out this pretty picture of some finadeni that I found on a radom fellow blogger. They have a link to the recipe also. It just so happens that they have the same last name. I wonder if this might be a ralative of the family,hmmmm (?????) Everyone on Guam is realated. LOL
Uncle Paul and Georgia got married in the same church that Rich and I got married in .....O hey and Bing (Richies sister) also got married there.
Links to the pictures.
First set
Second set
Mianna's Teacher
Back to school- 6th grade
While most of our friends are still asleep in bed or just waking up, some are just getting ready for bed.But over here on the east we are up at 5 and Mianna is up at 6:45. She is all dressed and ready for her first day of 6th grade.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Dona Maria’s
Okay guys, I'll be watching my favorite show, Six Feet Under in 7 minutes.
The Eye
Some time I just like to play around with the camera and come up with some crazy shots to shoot. I took these shots of Mianna's eye through a rolled up poster.
Simple Plan at
We drove out to Valdosta, GA to Wild Adventures to see Simple Plan perform at the All Star Amphitheater.
Valdosta is 125 miles (1hr 45min. drive) north west of Orange Park. We left around 11:45 and took Duke to the kennel. Most people have to get a baby sitter when they want to go out, but we have to get a dog sitter or put him in the kennel. LOL. The drive out to Valdosta was real quick this time in comparison to the first time we drove out there. When we got there the park was so full that we had to park so far away and walk in to the park. It was very overcast outside, but that didn't last long. The sun finally came out and it was hot. We drank lemonade and sprite to keep cool and walked around to find the spot to sit and set up our chairs.
After we saved our spot we ran around the park and watched the Amazing Cats show. The trainer has been working with cats for over 22 years and the largest male cat named Tai, put him in the hospital 10 times in the past 12 years. You have to real brave to do that job. The cats put on a good show.
After that show we went back to our seats and watched the opening act
Fade. He reminded us of the actor Jack Black
After Fade, Simple Plan come on and everyone went crazy. The crowd was very hype and loud. The last song they performed was my favorite and it made for "Perfect" ending
Click on the title of this blog to view the pictures.
Simple Plan
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
Do you think i'm wasting my time
Doing things I wanna do?
'Cuz it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm all right
and you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing last for ever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you
'Cuz you don't understand