Finally out
Originally uploaded by Virgi.
Duke some how flopped out from under the bed, he never got to his feet, he just sort of wiggled out. It was a big wiggle.
When I woke up this morning I walked around the house to try and find Duke, I spotted him in Mianna's room with just his head under the bed, he loves to sleep with his head underneath things. About 30 Minutes later I went back in to find his almost completely under the bed. Not sure how he going to get out or if I'll have to drag him out. LOL
We were eating dinner at Red Lobster for baby girls 11th Bday. She use to love that place. Now she likes Outback Crab Shack here in FL.
My baby girl will be 15 in about six days, and I was just looking over some old pictures when I found this one we took back on her 11th B-day. She is so tall and mature now.
I can't believe this was taken almost 6 years ago. I love remember the day like it was yesterday. I flew into Hawaii to see Rich as his ship pulled in from det. What a hot bod.