Friday, September 28, 2007


the rules in VA beach

Originally uploaded by Virgi.

These signs were up on the street poles all around Virginia Beach. When I first saw it , I remembered a story a friend once told me about how you can get a ticket for cussing at the beach. Later on we walked around the corner and came across another sign and actually explained all the rules. Only in an commonwelth

Back from VA

the cake
The trip to Norfolk, VA was a successful journey. We rented a minivan and drove up on Thursday evening. It was a 9 and 1/2 hour drive. We only stopped for gas one time. The minivan has such good gas mileage with a 4 cylinder engine. I forgot what it was like to drive a car with such little power, but good gas mileage. We fit in the van comfortably with JR drving me in a passanger seat. Mom and dad in middle in pilot seats and then Mianna was in the back laying out sleep for most of the drive. I thought I would never say this but I really want a minivan now. LOL. Friday at 11am was when the pinning ceremony started. It was only a couple hours long and we were able to take lots of pictures. Rich had all of us go up to pin him.
On Saturday Rich took us to Virginia beach were we visited the Virginia Aquarium and watched deep sea 3D on IMAX.
shark Mianna
After the aquarium he took us to the beach and we got in the sand and got our feet wet in the atlantic ocean.
the gang
Mianna, Daddy and Me
We ate lunch at Giovanni's Pizza.
Mianna and her pizza
On Sunday we got up early adn had breakfast in Norfolk beach at this small mom and pop place. We had to drop JR off at the airport since he was flying back to jaxs.Rich took me to the ER to have a pain checked out. I was having pains in my lover right hand side, mostly to the back and also into the buttock area. Dr said it was a strained muscle beacause of the new weight and everything checked out okay with my test, so I'm all good. After all that we went to a friends house out in Suffolk, Va to have dinner BBQ with them. They live in a nice neighborhood call Indian River Plantation and Missy Elliott gave her mom her house in the same neighborhood. The house was featured on MTV cribs. Our friends house was so beutiful with a pool in the backyard and over 3000 sq feet. all brick outside with my dream 1/2 circle driveway.I didn't get to take any pics of the house, I just forgot to.
Monday we decided to extend our stay one more day, we spent most of the day running around to get our new ID cards. Tuesday came way too quick and we left Norfolk at 5am and got to FL at 4pm.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

3D and 4D ultrasound

I got my postcard in the mail today to recieve 10% off on any package for 3D/4D ultrasound. I want to have it done when I'm 26 weeks or more. I really want Rich to be here for it so I'm trying to coordinate some dates with him and the place to make and appointmen so that he can be down for the ultrasound. End of October would be a perfect time, since Its Richies B-day and I would love to have him home that weekend and then Halloween celebration. I will email him with the dates to see if he can do it. We also found out that the Chiefs Ball is Oct 19th so I'll be going up to VA again for the ball. I started looking at dresses yesterday and I have a few in my closet that I need to try on to see if I can fit into them. I'm not sure how big I'll be in one more month, but if I gain 1 pound a week like I'm suppose to. I'l be 5 pound heavier. I have gained 10 pound so far.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Migraine day 2

Last night I started get a migraine and it's just hurts so bad, I decided to see if I would fall asleep and wake up better in the morning, but here I am, up early and it just started to kick back in. This sucks because I can't take anything, except tylenol and that does not help at all. I'm off of eat some food, take a tylenol and just lay on the couch and veg.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thumb Sucking

thumb sucking
Originally uploaded by Virgi.

Here is a picture of our baby boy sucking his thumb. I was shocked to find out it was a boy, but a split second latter I was happy because I knew that is was going to make my Richie the happies daddy ever. He wanted Our daughter to be a boy, but here we are 15 years later and he is getting his baby boy. During th ultrasound we were able to have a clear shot of his testicles, but the tech did not take a picuture of it. We witnessed the baby put his hand to his mouth and suck on his thumb. O, wow, I'm still in shock, it's going to be a BOY!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

My turn for anticipation

Yesterday was a good day, since we found out Ingrid is having a girl. Today I find myself dying with anticipation. With my first born we waited the entire 40 weeks and found out it was a girl right at birth. We just had no desire to find out and wanted to be surprised. I had no problem waiting back then and never one second guessed our decision. My hubby really wants to know this time and so I'm going along with him on wanting to find out. I do want to get the room all decorated and pretty or handsome for our new baby boy or girl. I want anther girl, but a boy will make my hubby happier than happy. He is thinking boy thoughs so hard. Just as long as it's a healthy strong baby, it really doesn't mater to me all that much. I finished painting the spare room. It's fun now beacaue we call it the spare room, but soon it will be occupied by the new family member. My daughter has a an all blue room and the spare room is a dark and light purple color. If we find out it's a boy, she says she will move into the purple room and give up her blue room for the baby. She really wants a pink room, but I just don't know about painting a room pink. The purple room is so relaxing and cool. I'm going to decorate it now and it will be a little on the girlly side. ehehe. Mianna will probably take over anyways and then I might just keep her room blue or paint over parts of it with green or yellow. I'm off to the paint store today, just in the mood to paint, paint paint. So Tuesday is the big day for us and it just can't come any sooner. Thank goodness my apt. is at 8am, so it will be early that morning. I go to work tomorrow and Monday and then on Tuesday I go in for about 30 minutes, to drink my water and do a little work and then I'm off the hospital. I have to check in 15 minutes early so I'll be there at 7:45 and Lord I hope I can hold down that 32oz of water I have to drink prior to my arrival. The sad part is I will be all alone, no hubby, no friend. I don't know, I might as a friend, but she might be able to go with me.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Ingrid is having a Girl!

Ingrid just sent me a text message at 2:16pm east coast time. She is having a girl. O my god I'm so excited.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Car crashed into again!

I swear the TL is a magnet for getting crashed into. I was the first car in line, with 3 other cars involved. YUP, yet again, it's been 2 years and 6 months and this will be my second bumper. I was stopped and just ready to take my foot off the break, i did notice hte guy behind me was stopped as well and then bump! I was like, what, how did he hit me, he was stopped. but the guy behind him was also stopped, and the dodge ram that was pulling a trailer couldnt' stop in time and hit the Acura Integra, that inturn hit the masda behind me and then he hit me. 4 car collison on the HWY 17, the same highway I was traveling on when we had the first accident. Anyways, no one was hurt and the cops showed up fast. We all moved out of the street and into the parking lot of the hotel across the street. It took the cop about an hour to take down all the into and give us our print out. the Acura integra had the most damage to the bumper of his car and you could even see the emblem of the ram imprinted in this trunk. The front end was pretty messed up too. the Masda behind me had like not even a scratch on his bumper, but his front end was pretty bent at the license plate and the damage to my TL is only on the right hand side of the bumper. I was so shook up, and shacking, but not hurt. It was just a shock and took me by surprise. O man, my poor car. But all the guys were so nice and we just talked about all kinds of stuff while we waited for the cop to put the info into his computer. You sure can learn alot about a few people in an hour. We went from complete strangers to knowing just a little bit about each others hobbies and jobs and family in that short time. The good thing is that we were all okay and we all have insurance. The guy driving the dodge was sited for following too closely and given a ticket. I'll contact my insurance tomorrow to report it and see what all we have to do. I know for fact it will cost around 700 for a new bumper, since thats what is cost last time. The guy in the dodge ram was just so happy that we were all taking it easy on him and he felt so bad. His truck had quite a bit damage to the front. Rich just happen to call when right after it happen, so the first thing I said, was I'm okay, we are all okay, but ...... I was in an accident and the car is hurt again. He took it okay and said he would call me back in a few hours.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Okay so Aug was not the month for us to find out the sex of the baby. We have an appointment for 9/11 to have an ultrasound and hope to find out the sex of the baby if all goes well. I'm so darn excited.
I had a fun Labor Day weekend get away. My daughter and I along with my friend flew to Washington State. We had so much fun visiting the Island we use to live on about 7 years ago. Whidbey Island has changed just a little but still as beautiful and cold as ever. We got lucky the entire time we were there it was sunny and in the 70's and did not rain at all. We also went to Bellevue Square where we did a little shopping and Seattle was the last stop where we stayed in the Whotel. We flew out the next day and had a few hours lay over in Phoenix and then a short stop in Indianapolis and then into Jaxs. It does fell good to be home. I woke up the morning we left with a cold and now I'm full blown sick. I didn't go to work today and doubt I go tomorrow. I'm not sure what is up with my emotions today, but I'm just a little under the weather and sad. Must be this cold and the hormones.