The trip to Norfolk, VA was a successful journey. We rented a minivan and drove up on Thursday evening. It was a 9 and 1/2 hour drive. We only stopped for gas one time. The minivan has such good gas mileage with a 4 cylinder engine. I forgot what it was like to drive a car with such little power, but good gas mileage. We fit in the van comfortably with JR drving me in a passanger seat. Mom and dad in middle in pilot seats and then Mianna was in the back laying out sleep for most of the drive. I thought I would never say this but I really want a minivan now. LOL. Friday at 11am was when the pinning ceremony started. It was only a couple hours long and we were able to take lots of pictures. Rich had all of us go up to pin him.
On Saturday Rich took us to Virginia beach were we visited the Virginia Aquarium and watched deep sea 3D on IMAX.
After the aquarium he took us to the beach and we got in the sand and got our feet wet in the atlantic ocean.

We ate lunch at Giovanni's Pizza.

On Sunday we got up early adn had breakfast in Norfolk beach at this small mom and pop place. We had to drop JR off at the airport since he was flying back to jaxs.Rich took me to the ER to have a pain checked out. I was having pains in my lover right hand side, mostly to the back and also into the buttock area. Dr said it was a strained muscle beacause of the new weight and everything checked out okay with my test, so I'm all good. After all that we went to a friends house out in Suffolk, Va to have dinner BBQ with them. They live in a nice neighborhood call Indian River Plantation and Missy Elliott gave her mom her house in the same neighborhood. The house was featured on MTV cribs. Our friends house was so beutiful with a pool in the backyard and over 3000 sq feet. all brick outside with my dream 1/2 circle driveway.I didn't get to take any pics of the house, I just forgot to.
Monday we decided to extend our stay one more day, we spent most of the day running around to get our new ID cards. Tuesday came way too quick and we left Norfolk at 5am and got to FL at 4pm.