Thursday, March 31, 2005
Travolta in Jaxs
I just read in the paper that John Travolta, Salma Hayek and James Gandolfini are filmin a movie here in downtown Jacksonville. The movie is called Lonely Hearts. I can't wait to see it. eehhehehe. Just for the fact that it's filmed here and I also like Travolta, now Salma Hayek on the the other hand, I can't stand her acting. ehehehe. Just a cool tid bit of info for the Jaxs area.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Limited Too
We got up early this mornig and I took Mianna shopping at the outlet mall. She got so many new outfits at such a good price. This makes it her 2 shopping spree and she almost owns the entire store. ehehhe. We got 10 bucks off every 20 we spend for our next trip back. She has 100 bucks in 10 bucks off tickets. This cycle is never ending We had such a fun time
shopping. I have to go work now. TTYAL
shopping. I have to go work now. TTYAL
I just spent the last few minutes cleaning my computer and and getting rid of spyware and adware. I only had 4 components found and then I seen a hacker tried to get into my system at 1am in the morning a fews days ago, and all the way from Budapest. Freaks. I just can't understand these computer geeks that sit up all night trying to hack into someone's system. Anyhow, I'm up early and getting my shopping game on this morning. I'm not actually shopping, but Mianna is ready to hit up limited Too with her Too bucks she earned the last shopping spree she had a few months ago. I'm hungry. Need to eat and then get ready for our adventure. I think we will head out to the outlet malls, and if not then head up to the new one in St. Johns. It all depends on if I can resist the shopping at St. Johns, it might be safer just to go the the outlet malls. :o). Darn. I don't have much money for a shopping spree for the both of us. I can actually fit the Jr stuff in her store, so I might just get away with a purchase today. Back in Fresno I actually bought a skirt from Limited too and it was a size 3Jr's. I'm just happy we got the TL to drive today. I love my new car. I also got the XM radio for 1 year ;o) love XM to death. Okay, I'm out.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Weeds B gone
The last two days we had lots of rain and so the earth is real soft and wet and made for a good thing when pulling weeds. I got down and dirty and cleaned up my yard. We plan to uproot some of our foliage and replant it in the back or on the side of the house and actually plant some new flowers and a palm tree or two in the front yard. We have to save up to buy the palm trees becaue it cost 700 bucks just for 1 and I think we want about 2 or 3.
Candle light
I got a little candle happy and ran all around the houe just sparking a candle here and there. I picked up a few candles in the commissary and they actually smell real good. The entire house is starting take on a wounderful candle lit smell. I'm finally using my firplace. eheheheh. I took a few pics to show you my candle display. Rich is bar be Qing and we are about to eat dinner. We had a supper lazy Saturday and have a few good movies to watch. See the fresh tuplips on the mantle ... I got them for Rich :o) for an early easter gift.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Tornado warnings
O my goodness guys, I'm laying in bed watching TV, when all of a sudden an alert comes on TV, to warn of us a tornado in central clay county. That is our county and one has been spotted on Kingsly, about 12 miles from here and it was heading east, towards the base. I called Rich to warn him because he is on base and will have to drive towards the area on his way home. It is raining like crazy and really bad wind,with thunder and lightning. The power keeps going on and off, and the thunder is making me a little scared. :o(. Mianna just ran in here, "mom I'm scared". I was like ME too! The thunder is so strong is shaking some of the house and windows. The crazy thing is that every once in awhile the rain and wind just stops and it's silent. My friend Merrands is from Oklahoma and she says, that's when you get scared, when all of a sudden it gets silent. O my god. Pray for us, I hope this weather stops!!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Email Blog
Okay so I'm up late because I can't sleep and I'm playing around with my
email and blogging from email. I got it to work and now I can start blogg
emailing from my cell phone or any place I like. LOL. I've developed this
blogging obsession. I just read and article in the paper all about blogging
phenomenon. That reminds me of that song... Something like a phenomenon...
remember that song?
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Family left womans's remains on kitchen floor for 2 yesrs
Kathleen Wilson lay on the kitchen floor of her Fairfield, Calif., home for nearly two years after she died, her son and husband stepping around the remains as they prepared meals and went on with daily life.
Fairfield police discovered the corpse and arrested her son, Jack Wilson 48, Friday afternoon on suspicion of elder abuse. A concerned neighbor had reported not seeing the elderly woman in about a year. Jack Wilson told police his mother had fallen in the kitchen sometime in the mid 2003 and she had remained there ever since, said Fairfield police Sgt. Mike Johnstone.
"He says he left her in the kitchen and tried to feed her and take car of her for a couple weeks before she died," Johnstone said.
Jack Wilson had been cooperative with the investigation. Police said he understood his mother was dead, but why he never tried to get her medical attention or report her death remains unclear. "He didn't have an answer for that," Johnstone said. Jack's father, Harry Wilson, 81, was taken into the care of Adult Protective Services. He returned home from a walk as officers were arresting his son and asked where his wife was, Johnstone said.
A county social worker went to the home for welfare check Friday after a neighbor anonymously called Solano County's Adult Protective Services tip line. The social worker called police after detecting a strange odor emanating from the residence, Johnstone said.
Police say the home was in disarray, littered with trash and cat feces from family pets. Kathleen Wilson's clothed remains lay uncovered on the kitchen floor.
"Harry and Jack lived there, they were at the house, they continued to use the kitchen, " Johnstone said.
Kathleen Wilson lay on the kitchen floor of her Fairfield, Calif., home for nearly two years after she died, her son and husband stepping around the remains as they prepared meals and went on with daily life.
Fairfield police discovered the corpse and arrested her son, Jack Wilson 48, Friday afternoon on suspicion of elder abuse. A concerned neighbor had reported not seeing the elderly woman in about a year. Jack Wilson told police his mother had fallen in the kitchen sometime in the mid 2003 and she had remained there ever since, said Fairfield police Sgt. Mike Johnstone.
"He says he left her in the kitchen and tried to feed her and take car of her for a couple weeks before she died," Johnstone said.
Jack Wilson had been cooperative with the investigation. Police said he understood his mother was dead, but why he never tried to get her medical attention or report her death remains unclear. "He didn't have an answer for that," Johnstone said. Jack's father, Harry Wilson, 81, was taken into the care of Adult Protective Services. He returned home from a walk as officers were arresting his son and asked where his wife was, Johnstone said.
A county social worker went to the home for welfare check Friday after a neighbor anonymously called Solano County's Adult Protective Services tip line. The social worker called police after detecting a strange odor emanating from the residence, Johnstone said.
Police say the home was in disarray, littered with trash and cat feces from family pets. Kathleen Wilson's clothed remains lay uncovered on the kitchen floor.
"Harry and Jack lived there, they were at the house, they continued to use the kitchen, " Johnstone said.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
1/2 Million houses
I have to tell you all about my different yet exciting morning. I was sitting here at the laptop like I am now at the nook table when I heard a knock on my door and could see from the chair I’m in that my neighbor Marylyn was at the door. She live 2 houses down from me and has had a for sale sign up in her yard since we moved in. I have spoke with her several times and met her while I was out walking Duke. I had invited her to my party on Friday but she didn't show. I answered the door and it was one of the first things she said to me. I’m sorry for not coming to your party but I was sick. She had a little scare at the Dr's office and though she was having liver problems, but it all turned out to be wrong and she is find. Anyways, she says to me, come on lets go get out I'm going to Home Depot, come with me and we will go. I put on my shoes and hopped in her brand new expedition with her. Nice ride. She has several nice cars in their driveway and also has a viper. Well she told me she had a few people come look at the house and this one black guy was real interested in it, so maybe he will buy it. I got to see her home and the pool in the backyard, man her house is so nice. wish I could buy it and move over there instead of this one. ehhehe. NOT. I love my home. I really do love our house. I just want her pool in my back yard and her Jacuzzi too. She spent 30,000 to have it put in and then 7000 on her fence and I like her fence too. We have similar taste. Anyways, I got to see the floor plan to her new home that is being built and it will be done by July. It's on the lake in Eagle Harbor and it's not too far down the street, back in Flemming Island. I fell in love with her property and the dock is almost down, so she can walk out on it and go fishing soon. The lady has some big bucks. She told me that she bought her house flat out cash and with no mortgage and she has no bills only her electric and phone and insurance... stuff like that. So it's no big deal if the house takes forever to sale because it's paid off and she has only lived in it for 1 year. She bough the house for 198 and is trying to sale it now for 285. I think she can get more for it ,but she is really not looking to make any money on it, just wants to sale it. She had a realtor and so if it sales she will pay the realtor 17000. I learned so much about her in such a short time and so you can tell she is a talker. We got along real well on our short 1 hour trip. while we were out at her water front property and she took me to a close by neighborhood to show me some more beautiful homes and I was just in awe with the places we seen, and then we stopped at this one venition looking house and John Long the builder of it was standing outside taking pictures. We got out the car and she knew him, so we got a tour or the house. This kitchen was pretty nice, with cabinetry that cost 50,000... O my god, this place had 23 or 24 foot ceilings and lots of windows and balconies and a bathroom in a really weird spot in the front of the house with a huge window, so you could see into it from the front of the house and I’m not joking it was so funny. we were busting up on how people will be able to look in on the guest bathroom from the front of the house. I'm not joking it was so funny. The colors of the walls were a brown and the color of the carpet almost matched and I thought it was all ugly. Mary didn't like it as well. The mast bathroom had a 2 way entrance 1/2 circle shower with 2 shower heads and body massager. o my goodness, spoiled. anyways. the house was pretty nice and about 2 1/2 times the size of mine, or maybe 3 times the size. Anyways, I got to thinking, this is just too nice and what and interesting day. When we got to Home Depot finally she picked up some seeds and then we headed back to the house. Come to find out that she is half Guamanian and Filipino and from Guam. She lived in Inarahan and her son that lives with her grew up on Guam. Too funny, I have a rich Guamania friend. She was saying how she is sad that we are friends now and she is leaving the neighborhood. I told her, STOP, your only moving down the street less than 5 miles and we can still be friends. I would like that, if I could come over and go boating and swim in the pool and all the privileges of having a rich friend. ehheheh. too funny. She was like Yeah, and your daughter can come over too and swim and we can take her fishing and all that. Anyways, she gave me some deer meat and I'm too exited to make my favorite dish with it and she also gave me some hot peppers. So that was the highlight of my day, hanging with the rich. Maybe I can pick up some pointer and someday have a water from home like hers. Anyway, I had a fun time.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
New Shopping in Jaxs
I'm so excited about our newest shopping venue in Jackson. We drove out to St. Johns Town Center yesterday and it was just so huge. I really can't wait till it's all complete and my favorite store (BeBe) opens on May 15th. We drove out yesterday and the traffic was pretty bad but it was worth it. We had so many store to choose from and the first one we went into was Ross. This shopping venue is so easy to get to and it's just down the street from Costco. I make a trip to Costco about once every month or so and now I have even more reason to drop by and head on down the street to Ross. It's so nice to have most of my favorite stores here in Jaxs. All we need now is IKEA and Mervyns. LOL. I'll settle for just having Target, since it's the same company as Mervyns, but Ikea is a little bit far in Atlanta Ga, I believe. I can just shop online I guess. Anyways, the St. Johns Town Center has it all, they even have Sephora , Black/White House, PF Chang's (yes!!!!) and Cheesecake Factory (that reminds me of Vegas)There are so many stores I can't mention them all.Here is a link to all that St. Johns has to offer. I want to go back today if we can. LOL.
I found a cute table for my office. There is a furniture store there called
Bo, we didn't go in it, but we will when we go back. I checked out the online site and it reminds me of Ikea, so it's a good substitute. It has imports from all over the world. With my nook table from Thailand my benches from India, I'm really into the world traveled looked. :o).
I found a cute table for my office. There is a furniture store there called
Bo, we didn't go in it, but we will when we go back. I checked out the online site and it reminds me of Ikea, so it's a good substitute. It has imports from all over the world. With my nook table from Thailand my benches from India, I'm really into the world traveled looked. :o).
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Happy St. Patrick's Day
I'm so Irish..... My mom doesn't have to wear green today, she has green eyes.... I wish I had her eyes. I LOVE YOU mommy.
Kitchen Island
Yesterday I went shopping and bough Richie a kitchen island. He has always wanted an island and so we found the perfect one at the NEX. It's a little big for our kitchen, but I like that it has wheels so you can move it any place you like and it has a handy drawer for keeping knives and cutting boards and stuff like that. Tomorrow is my Pampered Chef party and Wendy will use this island to demonstrate her products. I will love this island for rolling out dough and chopping room for when we are all in the kitchen. I also picked up some new seat covers for the nook chairs.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Marble Slab Creamery
Last night Rich took us out for a treat to Marble Slab Creamery and we had some yum yummy treats. Mianna friend Jenny spent the night and so we treated her as well. She had a waffle cup with chocolate icecream and bubble gum mixed in. She liked it but the gum kept getting stuck in her teeth. I had chocolate amaretto with pistacio nuts mixed in. Rich had ordered vanilla with strawberry and pineapples mixed in. Mianna was a good girl and ordered fat free yogurt with rainbow sprinkles mixed in. We would have went out to watch Pacifier, but it started too late and so we went home and watched The Others on DVD. I'm at work now and just excited to get off and go enjoy the day. It's probaby nice and sunny with temps in the 70's.
Just in time for Easter
Friday was my day off and I spent all day running around to different furniture stores to look for a table for our nook. I just got more and more depressed as I went from store to store and couldn't find anything even close to what I had wanted from World Market. On Friday night I had pleaded with Rich to go back to World Market and get my table. He left and came back to tell me that he had sad new. He said that the tables had sold out and that they had to reorder and it would arrive in one week. I was okay with that, but a little sad =( and then he said he was just joking and to come help him bring the table in. Our friend Merranda had let us borrow her truck and so that was very easy for him to load it up and take it home. We spent some time putting together the 2 chairs and then on Saturday morning I got up early and put 2 chairs together on my own. Rich woke up just as I got started on the table. This table is solid wood and very heavy. I just love our new table. I made pancake for breakfast and it was so nice to have spot to sit and eat breakfast. I decorated the table for Easter and here are a few pics.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
10 days till my party.
Hey guys my pampered chef party is in 10 days. If you would like to order online, you can visit this website and enter my first and last name as the host. I got my party planner to change the spelling on my first name so it's right now. Order by the 18th of this month...... :o) thanks guys.
Anger=No nook table
I guess yesterday Rich went down to the shop to check on the status of our nook table and in his words, " they gaffed us of for one week." and when he got there it was not put together and ready for pickup so he canceled it." I'm so sad!!!! I really was looking forward to getting the table before the party on the 18th and I thought it was a good price and would go perfect in that space. I don't know what to do. I might go down there and talk to the people and see why they have this bad business conduct. Rich must have been in a bad mood yesterday but now I have no table. :o(
Monday, March 07, 2005
Email from Erin
I finally got an e-mail from miss Erin in LA. She also sent some pics of her new pups. She had one that was older and looked just like the two here, but Red passed away last year. This is a piece of her letter
Here are the trouble-makers: Margo (left) and
Sophie (right). They got into a purple boa and tore it to shreds. They
got caught in the act, and this is them trying to look innocent.
However, they had feathers stuck in their mouths and their noses! They
couldn't get the feathers out of their mouths at all! It was hilarious,
like they were trying to get peanut butter out of their mouths...

Then, as you can see, they can be sleeping beauties.

The other pict is of me at our New Years company party.

Miss you!
Lots of Love,
Here are the trouble-makers: Margo (left) and
Sophie (right). They got into a purple boa and tore it to shreds. They
got caught in the act, and this is them trying to look innocent.
However, they had feathers stuck in their mouths and their noses! They
couldn't get the feathers out of their mouths at all! It was hilarious,
like they were trying to get peanut butter out of their mouths...
Then, as you can see, they can be sleeping beauties.
The other pict is of me at our New Years company party.
Miss you!
Lots of Love,
Talked to Davina
My cousin Davina out in Arizona called yesterday. We were at Dicks Wings when she called to chat. I did try calling her from the car on Saterday and I guess she seen my # on the caller ID. Everyone is doing good in AZ and they are expecting a visitor soon. Rons dad will be in town for 2 weeks. There dog Mya had 10 puppies last week some time and they are saving one for us. I think we will get a blondie. I sure miss my family in AZ. I love you all if you happen to be reading this. Big hugs and kisses
Our nook table should be ready today. I hope Rich gets a chance to pick it up and finds someone to help him load and unload this solid wood table. I'm so excited. This morning Rich woke me up and asked if I would be so happy to come home from work tonight and see my table in it's place. I answered yes in my half sleep, with a smile on my face. I need to sweep up the floors and get that area ready just incase. Mianna did a find job of sweeping and moping yesterday, but this floor needs to be swept everyday. I better get to steppin.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Computer Desk
I have been shoping around for a computer desk for some time now and just today I was looking at the staples add in the sunday paper. I like all 3 desks.I just can't make up my mind on what to get and where to put it????? I also like a few I seen at Target and one at Office Depot.. We are also looking at a bar table and some stools for in our formal living room. We are turning that room into an adult sitting/drinking/relaxing room. Here is another cute desk for the guest bedroom =). I've always wanted an compuer armoire. Okay, I've had enough "windows shopping" I'm off to bed. My bloggs really help me to remember what i've been looking at. :o) Night guys
Back to nature
Today I got off work at 3 and it was so nice to actually do some thing on a Sunday in the daylight. I usually get off at 9:30 on Sundays, but for the next few weeks I have this new schedule. We decided to go hiking/walking at Black Creek. We had a fun time and even took Duke with us. The weather was sunny with temps in the 70's. We took a few pics along the trip and after the walk we worked up an appetite for some Dick's wings.mmmmm. click title for more pics.
Outlet Shopping in the TL
We are so happy to finally have the car back. Friday we were told to pick the car up at the shop by 5:30, but around that time in FL, traveling anyplace close to or in the vicinity of downtown is like driving in SD or LA, traffic. We were on the Matthews Bridge and it was 5:56 we were nowhere close to Tom Bush. When we called in they said the shop closes at 6 and by this time it was 6. We got to the shop and Rich pointed it out to me, I told him to go and we can try. We got lucky because the they were just about to move our car back into the shop to lock it up and Rich was able to signal the guy down and the lady that takes the payments was still in the shop. We dropped off the rental and took off in the TL. eheheh. We decided to go out to dinner that night and celebrate, so we went to Carabbas down the street and then back home to relax. Yesterday we decided to head to St. Augustine and go shopping. We live about 20 miles from the Belz Outlet store and there are two buildings, one side has 95 stores, all out doors and the other side is all indoors, like a giant mall outlet. I had fun in BCBG and we found Miannas favorite store Limited Too ;o) I'll bring her back on Mar 28th to use her 2bucks. I also went shopping in Guess,Aeropostal and Coach!!!! I got yet another Coach wristlet.Rich found some pants in Nautica After shopping we drove to downtown St. Augustine and drove around just to listen to the DVD quality CD's we bought and enjoy the sun as we drove around with the sunroof open and Alicia keys singing in surround sound quality DVD. The TL has the best sound system on the market. The DVD quality CD's are very expensive at 18 bucks per CD, so we will only buy what we know is good and start a small collection for the car. We got to see Alicia keys in concert and she is one of our favorites so we had to get that CD. Rich also got Bob Marley but the format was all wrong for the car and so it wouldn't play. I think I accidentally tossed the receipt and so we are stuck with the CD. Maybe I can play it on the PC :0). I took a few pictures and since it's Bike week here in FL, there are many Harley Davidson’s on the road. After we left the beach area we drove toward home and stopped to eat crab at our favorite spot, Outback Crab Shack. I drove home and it was just so nice to relax in my heated seats and comfy temps all the way home. The blue tooth phone I got rich works, but it's really funky on how well it works. Overall we had a good day and today we plan on going hiking.
Friday, March 04, 2005
We have been waiting for our TL to get out of the shop for over a week now. Yesterday Rich went down to the shop to take a good look at it and he said it looks good. We should pick the car up today and head out to celebrate. Our second car payment is on it's way and we havn't even been able to drive the car for a week yet. hehehee. The paint was real hard to match up, but they found and exact match that was used on a 1975 chevy back in the day. Interesting to think that cars were on the road in 1975 with our exact paint color. I'm off to go pick Mianna up from school. BYEEE
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Special Order
We got our table on order :o) ehhehe. Richie went yesterday and he looked at the table and had to put in a special order for it and he also picked the chairs he liked. A few weeks ago we were in Pottery Barn and Rich seen some really nice looking leather chairs. The style is almost exactly like our Ikea chairs, except it is covered in leather. Here is a link to the Grayson chair on Pottery Barn. Well the chairs he picked is similar to that style but it's black leather and without the Pottery Barn price tag... our leather chairs were 100 bucks less and he picked 2 for the ends of the table. The other two are just the regular black woden chairs that match the table. I will put a cute seat cushion to match the window covering. Later on I'll buy two more chairs so we can seat a total of 6 and then get about 3 or 4 bar stool chairs. Richie surprised me and got 4 nice wine glasses. I'm just excited for the table to come and get it all set up. Happy Happy Happy...LOL
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Need for Speed, G!
Get it? G? ehhehe
Last year I purchased this Sony Vaio notebook and didn't realize it was only running on 802.11b.............dumb but after I got my new G roughter last month, I realized it. Today I just upgraded to a G adapter and I'm such a nerd LOL I get a big kick out of messing with the computers in the house. My network is tighter than Fort knox. LOL , no, i'm just happy to be wirless and this 54 Mbps is NICE. I just got Richie a new cell phone today, and he has been wanting an update. I'm glad I waited just in time to get him a bluetooth enabled phone. The TL has bluetooth so he can use his phone wirless in the car. I might get him an earpiece later, so he can have that FBI look ehhehehe, or is it the Men In Black look. I like that look. Speaking of look, I need to go put my window covering in the nook and make space for the table.I believe Rich will go pick it up today. I'm so excited. This is the phone I got Richie. Talk to ya latter G. LOL
Last year I purchased this Sony Vaio notebook and didn't realize it was only running on 802.11b.............dumb but after I got my new G roughter last month, I realized it. Today I just upgraded to a G adapter and I'm such a nerd LOL I get a big kick out of messing with the computers in the house. My network is tighter than Fort knox. LOL , no, i'm just happy to be wirless and this 54 Mbps is NICE. I just got Richie a new cell phone today, and he has been wanting an update. I'm glad I waited just in time to get him a bluetooth enabled phone. The TL has bluetooth so he can use his phone wirless in the car. I might get him an earpiece later, so he can have that FBI look ehhehehe, or is it the Men In Black look. I like that look. Speaking of look, I need to go put my window covering in the nook and make space for the table.I believe Rich will go pick it up today. I'm so excited. This is the phone I got Richie. Talk to ya latter G. LOL
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